Saturday, May 18, 2013

Foods4Health Going Vegan!

Our first vegan meal!

We have been excited to make this post for the last couple of days and share this news with all of our readers and followers. For the next 30 days, we at Foods4Health will be going 100% vegan, and will be taking you all on the journey with us. This is something we have been planning over the last couple of days, purchasing all the foods we need, coming up with eating and workout plans, and double checking all of our ingredients to make sure we can complete this experience 100% vegan.

Over the next month, we will be blogging our experience, recipes that we will be making and how we are feeling on a vegan diet. As well, we will be posting our workouts and how a vegan diet is affecting both our workouts and our bodies. We may also post video updates to help fully communicate this experience and give you all a raw look at how we respond to this change in our diets.

Why should you follow along this this journey with us? For one, this is our first experience ever eating a diet that comes close to this. You will be able to get a first hand experience of how this type of eating affects individuals who are starting this diet for the first time. As well, we have normally been very heavy meat and diary eaters over the course of our lives. Those who want to go vegan but don’t think they can give up these foods will be able to learn from our experience of how this transition is, and if it is something that is attainable. Lastly, we live quite active and busy lives. Those who live the same will be able to see if a vegan diet can fit into a similar lifestyle.
Black, kidney and pinto beans will be a staple for us!

Please note, we are taking this extremely seriously. We greatly respect the lifestyle choices of vegans and know this is a way of life, beyond just a diet. Although we are doing this for 30 days right now, we are open to the idea of keeping up with this diet if it is the right fit for us.

Please join the three of us on our journey and see what a vegan diet can do for you. Lots of recipes, pictures, and updates to come! Also follow us on twitter, @Foods4Health1 for live updates.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New Pages Added to the Blog

In the past few days, we have added a number of new pages to the blog containing information of the health benefits that you can expect to receive from certain foods that you consume. This includes the health benefits of chia seeds, ginger, green tea, quinoa and turmeric. Let us know what your favorite healthy foods are and the health benefits you look forward to from them.

We have also recently discovered that blogs are only allowed to post 20 pages per blog. We have dozens of other articles that have information about the health benefits of foods, so we will post them on this blog from time to time, instead of creating new pages from them. Thank you to everyone who has visited the blog and we looked forward to you returning in the future!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Healthy Green Tea Smoothie

There is a growing movement that is turning towards healthy smoothies and shakes as a way of consuming the necessary vitamins and minerals they want from food. In this video, we talk a little bit about how you can obtain the health benefits of green tea, ginger, oatmeal, kale, blueberries, bananas all within one delicious glass full of amazingly healthy substances.

Best enjoyed chilled, it is difficult to put into words just how great one of these make you feel as it is full of nutrients that are beneficial to our health. Take a look at the video to see how we make our green tea smoothies and let us know your recipes!

Welcome to Foods 4 Health!

Welcome to Foods 4 Health!
Welcome to Foods 4 Health, a blog dedicated to information for those looking to improve their overall health and well-being through the foods that they eat. This blog will focus on the ways that specific foods benefit our cardiovascular health, improve our digestive and immune system, provide anti-cancer benefits and many more positives valued by health conscious individuals.

We have already added eight informative pages to the blog, including almonds, avocado, cinnamon, garlic and kale, with many more fruits, vegetables and other delicious foods on the way. We would appreciate it if you would leave us a comment describing your favorite healthy foods and the particular benefits they provide for you. Stay tuned for more important updates, not only describing the health benefits of many foods, but also some ways in which you can incorporate them into your diet.